This reference supersedes any previously printed handout, manual or report concerning the REF's mission directives on Operation Mirror Image. Due to the electronic nature of this manual, the information herein contained will be updated throughout the course of the mission.
As we know, the main resource of an army is not the weapons, the mecha or the equipment. It is the soldier. It is why we train our men and women thoroughly to handle any situation. They are the best mankind can offer, and we make them better still. Since its beginnings in 200?, the RDF/REF has been known for its configurable fighters, the Veritechs. Unfortunately, not everyone is qualified to become a Veritech Fighter pilot. For such a reason, there are plenty of branches for a soldier to select from. The REF is also a leader in the fields of science, as we have had a number of great minds have been in our ranks, such as Dr. Emil Lang, considered by many the "Father of Robotechnology".
Nowadays, there are great number of branches for a newly graduated cadet can select from. You may click on the table below to view some of the aspects of their training:
Although since its beginnings, the RDF/REF have been known mostly for their Veritech fighters and their Destroids, military doctrine maintains its position that the infantryman is still the foundation of the armed forces. Nowadays, a great deal of factors contribute to the reinstatement of Marines into the battlefield. First and foremost, the number of available Mechas and other power armors, such as the Cyclones. These are spread thin between the various bases and assignments throughout the Local Group. Second, the number of positions available in the different assignments. Not everyone is qualified to participate in the other programs listed below. And, third, these recent events create the need for a new breed of soldiers. This new interdimensional enemy fights in many ways which are new to us. In many ways, the use of Mecha can hinder our soldiers performance against this new enemy.
However, the REF Marine is not limited to just infantry operations. Many pieces of equipment many thought to be outdated have been reinstated into the REF, such as armored vehicles and non-transformable aircraft. This creates the needs for certain specialists, which can be branched off from the REF Marines. That is why the Military Occupational Specialties (M.O.S.) System has been reinstated. After Basic Training, the Marine can select which branch he/she may wish to serve.
O.C.C. Skills:
* May select Hand to Hand: Martial Arts in exchange of an Other skill, unless stated below.
M.O.S. Skills: The character receives a bonus of +15% to all the skills in the M.O.S.
Infantry M.O.S.
Note: May select Hand to Hand: Martial Arts without the cost of an Other skill. |
Combat Engineer M.O.S.
Note: Receives a one time 10% bonus when selecting any construction skill. |
Armor M.O.S.
Note: May drive any kind of combat ground vehicle, except Titan MTA. |
Medic M.O.S.
Note: May purchase Medical Doctor after level 3 or higher. |
Field Mechanic M.O.S.
Note: May perform routine checks and simple diagnostics on mechas. |
Field Communications M.O.S.
Ordnance Specialist M.O.S.
Sailor M.O.S.
Pilot/Driver M.O.S.
Force Recon M.O.S.
Other skills: Select 15 other skills. At least two must be W.P. Plus three
additional skills at levels three and six and two at level nine. All new skills must start
at level one.
Communications: Cryptography, Radio: Scramblers, Surveillance Systems and
T.V./Video. (+5%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic Electronics only.
Espionage: Any, except Disguise, Fieldcraft and Safe-cracking. (+15%)
Mechanical: Auto mechanics and Basic Mechanics.
Medical: Holistic Medicine and Paramedic.
Physical: Any. (+10%)
Pilot: Any, except Mecha. (+5%)
Pilot-related: Any.
Rogue: Any, except Computer Hacking.
Science: Basic Mathematics only.
Technical: Any. (+5%)
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.
Standard Equipment:
Authorized upon Clearance:
Monthly Wages:
Personal Savings:
Experience level same as Coalition States Grunt (See Rifts Main Book).
As we know, the Cyclone Veritech Rider Armor have come a long since their first use in the planet Optera in the final confrontation with the Regent and their use on Earth by freedom fighters against the forces of the Regis. Today, the Cyclone is still a weapon of great use in our armed forces. They are some of our elite forces, with the power of a Destroid and the mobility of a power armor.
Thanks to our research teams, we have recently come out with new Cyclone models, which can be seen in detail here. They can manage a great number of roles, yet their main purpose is combat. That is why the Cyclone pilot is trained in a great deal of operations and, although many can pilot one or two types of Cyclones, only the Cyclone Rider is trained to pilot all of them.
O.C.C. Skills
* Mecha Combat, Basic is automatic for all other Cyclones.
Other Skills: Select 12 other skills. Plus three additional skills at level
three, two at levels six and nine and one at level 11.
Communications: Any (+5% to Radio skills).
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic Electronics only.
Espionage: Camouflage, Detect Ambush, Fortification, Land Navigation and Wilderness
Mechanical: Auto Mechanics and Basic Mechanics.
Medical: First Aid Only.
Physical: Any. (+10%)
Pilot: Any. (+10% to all ground vehicles/mecha. Must have pilot jet to select any
flying veritech. Mecha combat is limited to basic.)
Pilot-related: Any.
Rogue: Any, except Computer Hacking.
Science: Basic Mathematics only.
Technical: Any. (+5%)
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.
Standard Equipment:
Authorized upon Clearance:
Monthly Wages:
Personal Savings:
Experience level same as REF Cyclone Rider (See Robotech II: The Sentinels).
If you are to examine the history of the mechas on Earth, the first item on the list definitely has to be the Destroid. The idea of the Destroids came after discovering that the former crew of the (back then) recently landed Alien StarShip-1 (SDF-1) were of giant size. Fearing the worst, the United Earth Goverment ordered the creation of a weapon to counter such a threat. Thus the Destroid was born. During the war with the Zentraedi, they served their purpose well. This led to their use in the Sentinels War and the creation of their offspring, the Battloids, which saw combat against the Robotech Masters. The Battloids are still in use to a certain extent, especially in reserve divisions and training.
With the apperance of the Cyclone during after the defeat of the Regent during the Sentinels War, it was thought that the Destroid Combat System had seen its final battle. It almost became true when the Cyclone became a primary weapon system during the Invid Invasion, and no Destroid was used. But after the defeat of the Regis and resurgence of Zentraedi still loyal to the Robotech Mastes, as well as the Warlord Zuma and his Crimsom Masks, the Cyclone was fast enough to outrun and do some damage on Battlepods, but not enough to withstand a hit from a Particle Beam Cannon. Thus, REF High Command begun a campaign to recruit veteran Destroid pilots for instruction and candidates for the rejuvenated REF Destroid Corps. Many of their assignments are mostly in colonies of the Sentinels Alliance, serving as protection. The Destroid Corps works great with the REF Veritech Cavalry. VerCav has the speed and mobility, while the Destroids provide resistance and firepower.
O.C.C. Skills
* Can pilot RDF and REF Destroids and Battloids as well.
** Mecha Combat Basic is automatic for all other Destroids or Battloids.
Other Skills: Select 16 other skills. Plus two additional skills at level three,
six and nine and one at level 11.
Communications: Cryptography or Radio Skills only.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic Electronics or Mecha Electronics.(+5%)
Espionage: Camouflage, Detect Ambush, Fortification, Land Navigation and Wilderness
Mechanical: Auto Mechanics and Basic Mechanics.
Medical: First Aid Only.
Physical: Any. (+5%)
Pilot: Any, except Pilot: Veritech.(+10% to all ground vehicles.)
Pilot-related: Any.
Rogue: Any, except Computer Hacking.
Science: Basic Mathematics only.
Technical: Any.(+5%)
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.(+5%)
Standard Equipment:
Authorized upon Clearance:
Monthly Wages:
Personal Savings:
Experience level same as REF Destroid Pilot (See Robotech II: The Sentinels).
Considered by many the elite of the REF, Veritech pilots are considered the "Poster Boys". People quickly identify the REF when Veritechs are seen around. It was feared that with the disapperance of protoculture, the REF Veritech Corps would be diminished to nothing more than a glorified air force. Thankfully, REF engineers revised the design of an old Veritech which did not use protoculture, the Veritech HoverTank; also, the REF got its hands on information from the former Eastern Bloc Soviet Independent States (E.B.S.I.S. for short) and their use of fusion reactors on a number of mecha designs. After doing some redesigning, all of the branches of the REF which required protoculture survived after modifing the power plants for the whole mecha fleet.
Now the REF Veritech Corps has expanded operations somewhat. Now they are not limited to transformable jets, but two old veritechs have been reinstated onto the fleet: the Veritech HoverTank and the Veritech Helicopter AJACS. With these mechas, came the establishment of what is known as the Veritech Cavalry (VerCav). VerCav units are always battallion-sized or larger and are composed of only HoverTanks and AJACS. Basically, they are a Veritech ground pounding unit. Pilots who wish to be members of the VerCav must select both the HoverTank and the AJACS, and any third Veritech Mecha Combat of their choice. Also, when given a choice, VerCav pilots prefer either of two mechas above any other.
O.C.C. Skills
* Can upgrade to Hand to Hand: Expert in exchange of another skill.
Other Skills: Select 14 other skills. Plus two additional skills at level three, six, nine and twelve.
Communications: Any.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic Electronics and Mecha Electronics
Espionage: Military Etiquette, Parachuting, Strategy and Tactics and Wilderness Survival.
Mechanical: Auto Mechanics, Aircraft Mechanics, Basic Mechanics, Mecha Mechanics, Veritech Mechanics.
Medical: First Aid Only.
Physical: Any.
Pilot: Any, except destroids and battloids. (+10% for aircraft and spacecraft)
Pilot-related: Any. (+10%)
Rogue: Any.
Science: Basic and Advanced Mathematics only.
Technical: Any. (+5%)
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any. (+5%)
Standard Equipment:
Authorized upon Clearance:
Monthly Wages:
Personal Savings:
Experience level same as REF Veritech Pilot (See Robotech II: The Sentinels).
A race of giants born on the planet of Fantoma and enslaved by the Robotech Masters, the Zentraedi have been around the known universe even before the human race was even aware that Earth was not the
O.C.C. Skills
Other Skills: .
Communications: .
Domestic: .
Electrical: .
Espionage: .
Mechanical: .
Medical: .
Physical: .
Pilot: .
Pilot-related: .
Rogue: .
Science: .
Technical: .
W.P.: .
Wilderness: .
Standard Equipment:
Authorized upon Clearance:
Monthly Wages:
Personal Savings:
Experience level .
REF Zentraedi Military Specialist
O.C.C. Skills
Other Skills: .
Communications: .
Domestic: .
Electrical: .
Espionage: .
Mechanical: .
Medical: .
Physical: .
Pilot: .
Pilot-related: .
Rogue: .
Science: .
Technical: .
W.P.: .
Wilderness: .
Standard Equipment:
Authorized upon Clearance:
Monthly Wages:
Personal Savings:
Experience level .
Mechanical Engineer Special Skills:
O.C.C. Skills
*Can change Hand to Hand: Basic to Hand to Hand: Expert for the cost of an other skill.
Other Skills: Select 14 skills. Plus 3 skills at levels 3, 8 and 10.
Communications: Any.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Any (+5%).
Espionage: None.
Mechanical: Any (+15%).
Medical: First Aid or Paramedic (Costs two skill selections).
Physical: Any.
Pilot: Any, but Mecha Combat is limited to Basic (+10% ground-based, +5% air-based).
Pilot-related: Any (+5%).
Rogue: None.
Science: Physics only.
Technical: Any (+5% to the Salvage skill).
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.
Standard Equipment:
Authorized upon Clearance:
Monthly Wages:
Personal Savings:
Experience level .
REF Military PsiSpecialist (PsiSpec)
During the Sentinels War, it was discovered that two of the races possesed a certain degree of psychic ability. These are the Garudans and Haydonites. The first possess a lesser degree of power which is mainly manifested when they enter a dream state known to them as the "hin". The latter possess a number of telepathic and psychokinetic abilities that can be clearly felt or seen. The first reported case of psychic potential, and later, ability, is the second daughter of retired Gen. Maximilian Sterling and his wife Miriya Sterling. While their first daughter, Dana, possess no psychic potential whatsoever, Aurora, on the other hand was gifted with a powerful psychic mind even before she left the womb. Later on, when the SDF-3 was away in Otherspace (another dimension), all of the children, including zentraedi children, demonstrated a great deal of psychic power, even with their childish minds. They were able to communicate with Aurora all of the time via telepathic abilities.
Meanwhile on Earth, the apperance of Ley Lines and Rifts affected the people of the planet as well... Well, deep in their mind at least. Apperently, when the Regis changed into the Phoenix entity, she destroyed most of the REF Jupiter Attack Group. Scientists in the field believe that either one of the two events was the cause of the release of a great surge of psychic energy. This tapped into two objects: one, the planet. This caused the Rifts and Ley Lines to pop up. Two, the human psyche, a very deep, non-material part of the mind. In the years to follow, human beings began to develop psychic abilities. Thus, the human mind had evolved in a very fast pace.
Wasting no time, the REF and the Sentinels Alliance diverted resources to create a group for psychic phenomena investigation. This was created to learn more about them, including possible applications of these. Among the people in charge was Dr. Lynn McDowell, a high-ranking officer with a great deal of interest in psychic phenomena. She performed a great deal of experiments, many times pushing the envelope with the test subjects. After an incident, which yet remains classified, she was court-martialed and put in jail. Two days later, she walked out the prision and was never seen again. Many believe that she's the leader of the secret paramilitary group known as "Omega Sector". Meanwhile, the many annotations she and other scientists made was given to the REF High Command. They decided to develop a program known as the "REF PsiSpec Program". The objective of the PsiSpec program is to create a super spy... An intelligence expert, with combat experience and psychic powers to help the REF gather information. An excellent addition to the REF arsenal.
Military PsiSpecialist Powers:
O.C.C. Skills
* Can upgrade to Hand to Hand: Commando in exchange of another skill.
Other Skills: Select 10 ther skills. Plus two additional skills at level three, six, nine and twelve.
Communications: Any.(+10%)
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic Electronics.
Espionage: Any.(+15%)
Mechanical: Auto Mechanics and Basic Mechanics.
Medical: First Aid.
Physical: Any.
Pilot: Any. Must also have Read Sensory Instruments and Weapon Systems to learn any Veritech piloting skill and costs two skill slots (one for piloting and one for mecha combat basic).
Pilot-related: Any.
Rogue: Any. (+15%)
Science: Basic and Advanced Mathematics only.
Technical: Any. (+5%)
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any. (+10%)
Standard Equipment:
Authorized upon Clearance:
Monthly Wages:
Personal Savings:
Experience level same as Psi-Stalker (See Rifts Main Book).