Operation Mirror Image.
Raidar X MK-XII
The Raidar X became the next destroid which redesigned. Micronization and modularity became two very important terms in the REF Armed Forces since the Sentinels War. With micronization, vital technologies would take less space and become more efficient. With modularity, a number of destroids could interchange parts without any glitches.
With these two terms in mind, the REF Destroid Combat Systems Laboratory got to work on redesigning the Raidar X. The main component in the Raidar X has always been the superb radar system. This was definitely not left out of the new Raidar X, but it was changed. The original disc-shaped was discarded and, now, the upper body of the destroid is now a new, improved long-range tracking system. The system is integrated onto the skin of the destroid. To be specific, the parts that cover the chest missile launchers. That way, it provides omnidirectional search and tracking capabilities. Should that system be damaged, a secondary system, located on the "head" of the destroid, provides similar, although greatly limited, radar systems.
After becoming a regular in the assembly line, two new variants came out as well. The first provides anti-ship capabilities, by changing the arm lasers with the new modular PBC arms. This gives the Raidar X MK-XII an extra punch against large vessels. Another variant, Configuration B, arms the Raidar X with powerful projectile weapons. This variant is used in areas where using energy weapons is not possible.
M.D.C. By Location
- SRM Racks (2) - 200 each
- Arms (2) - 175 each
- Weapon Forearms (2) - 150 each
- Upper Legs (2) - 150 each
- Lower Legs (2) - 150 each
- Main Body - 300*
- Reinforced Pilot Compartment - 200
* When the body's M.D.C. is diminished by 50%, lower the range of the radar
by 100 miles. The radar will stop working when the body's M.D.C. when 50 M.D.C. remain.
- Speed:
- Running: 100 mph (160 kmph) maximum; cruising speed about 55 mph (88 kmph).
- Leaping: 100 ft (33.3 m) lengthwise or 50 ft (16.6 m) high/up.
- Climbing: Impossible
- Height: 42 ft (14 m)
- Width:
- Length:
- Weight:
- Cargo:
Weapon Systems
- Twin MM-15 Short Range Missile Launcher located in the chest of the destroid
- Primary Purpose: Assault
- Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
- Missile Type: Any short range missile, except plasma, but fragmentation and high explosive are standard issue.
- Damage: Varies according to missile type.
- Rate of Fire: Volleys of 3, 6 or 9.
- Range: Varies with missile, but between 2 and 5 miles calc.
- Payload: 15 missiles per launcher, for a total of 30 missiles. An additional reload is available.
- Dual Twin-Barrel Lasers Cannons
- Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
- Secondary Purpose: Assault
- Range: 8 miles (12.8 km)
- Damage: 5D4 per barrel, 1D4*10 per dual shot and 2D4*10 for all four blasts together.
- Rate of Fire: Equal to pilot's hand to hand. A multiple barrel shot is considered a volley regardless of the number of barrels fired.
- Payload: Effectively unlimited.
- Dual Particle Beam Cannons (Optional). Laser cannons can be substituted for ship to ship combat. PBCs inflict more damage and, when mounted on a Raidar X, provide a powerful, mobile weapons platform.
- Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
- Secondary Purpose: Assault
- Range: 2 miles (3.2 km)
- Damage: 5D10+25 per blast.
- Rate of Fire: Four times per melee maximum.
- Payload: Effectively unlimited.
- Dual Air-Cooled Autocannons (Optional). In worlds where conditions do not allow the use of energy weapons, the standard weapon arms of the Raidar X can be substituted with these autocannons.
- Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
- Secondary Purpose: Assault
- Range: 8 miles (12 km)
- Damage: 2D10 for a short burst, 4D10 for a long burst and 6D10 for a full melee burst.
- Rate of Fire: 8 short bursts, 4 long bursts or one full melee burst per arm cannon.
- Payload: 200 rounds per cannon, for a total of 800 rounds.
- Dual Air-Cooled Scatter Guns (Optional). The latest mech-scaled weapon, it is basically a destroid shotgun. The weapon's damage dimishes considerably with range, but it can be quite destructive at close range.
- Primary Purpose: Assault
- Secondary Purpose: Anti-ship
- Range: 2 miles (3.2 km)
- Damage: 8D10. Diminish by 1D10 for every .25 miles for a minimum of 1D10.
- Rate of Fire: 6 times per melee maximum. No bursts, single shots only.
- Payload: 200 rounds.
- Hand to Hand Combat
- Punch (Swat): 1D4 M.D.
- Body Block: 1D6 M.D.
- Stomp: 1D4 M.D.
Special Equipment
- Advanced radar and sensory equipment integrated to the destroid's skin:
- Radar: Range: 200 miles. Capable of tracking 250 targets at a time.
- Heat Sensor: Range: 10 miles
- Motion Sensor: Range: 3 miles.
- Radiation Sensor: Range: 10 miles.
- Satellite/Combat Computer Link:
- On-board computer system capable of identifing all known vehicles known to the Sentinels and REF. This includes mechs, ships and other vehicles from the Terrans, Zentraedi, Invid or any other Sentinel race.
- Long-range laser communication system. Range: 1000 miles. Can have an indefinite range when linked to a satellite communication system.
- Spotlights located in each arm. Range 500 ft.
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