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Imperial TIE Pilot RPG Stats

Dexterity 3D+1Imperial TIE Pilot
Blaster 4D+1
Dodge 4D+1
Knowledge 2D
Planetary Systems 3D
Mechanical 4D
Sensors 4D+2
Starfighter Piloting 6D
Starship Gunnery 5D
Perception 3D
Command 4D
Search 4D
Strength 3D
Stamina 4D
Technical 2D
Computer Prog / Repair 3D+1
Starfighter Repair 5D

Character Points: Varies; typically 0-3
Move: 10
Equipment: Navigational computer linkup helmet (internal comlink, +1D to sensors), high gravity stress flight suit with life support equipment, one week emergency rations, blaster pistol (4D), survival gear.
